Change contact details

You can update your contact details and email address at the same time. All you have to do is enter your new contact details (work, home and mobile numbers) by overtyping the existing numbers or providing a number if we do not currently hold any number for you.

If you change your mobile number and the "I also want my OTP mobile to be this number" checkbox is checked then your new number will be used in the future for transactions that require OTP. Please note, however, that for security reasons, we will send an OTP to the mobile number you have currently registered for OTP in order to authorise the change in mobile number and only for subsequent OTP transactions will the updated mobile number be used. For security reasons, it is very important that your mobile number is up-to-date.

If you have previously supplied us with both a home mobile number and a work mobile number, the home mobile number is the one that will be shown on this contact details page.

If you just wish to change your email address, you can enter your new email address by typing over your current address.

When you change your contact details online, for added security you will be sent One Time Passcode in order to authorise the changes.

Important: If you change your email address and have opted for paperless statements, we will alert you when your next statement is available to view online on the new email address.

Enter your new details in the space provided and click 'Continue' to proceed.